A Comprehensive Guide on Singapore Employment Law 2024

101A Upper Cross Street #13-11, People’s Park Centre Singapore 058358 I. Introduction Singapore is a global business hub renowned for its business-friendly legal environment, making it an attractive destination for local and foreign corporations. It is thus imperative for corporations operating in the country to understand the employment laws and regulations. This guide aims to… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide on Singapore Employment Law 2024

Protecting Your Interests: The Enforceability of Non-Compete Clauses in Singapore

Introduction Since the case of Shopee Singapore Private Limited v Lim Teck Yong [2024] SGHC 29 was decided in favour of Mr Lim, the ex-employee of Shopee, questions have been raised by employers and employees about the enforceability of non-compete clauses in Singapore. In a nutshell, non-compete clauses are restrictive covenants in an employment contract… Continue reading Protecting Your Interests: The Enforceability of Non-Compete Clauses in Singapore

Application for Work Permits for Migrant Workers in Singapore: A Comprehensive Employment Guide

Introduction If you run a business and are looking to increase your manpower and expand your operations, understanding the requirements to successfully apply for work permits for semi-skilled individuals to work at your company is a crucial business advantage. In Singapore, a work permit for migrant workers is specifically for semi-skilled foreign workers from approved… Continue reading Application for Work Permits for Migrant Workers in Singapore: A Comprehensive Employment Guide

The Ministry of Manpower of Singapore has issued me a Special Pass (“SP”) card, what should I do?

Frequently Asked Questions What is a SP card? Response: In most cases, the SP card is issued to a person after his/her passport is held by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) or the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for safekeeping. SP cards are issued for specific purposes, such as assisting in investigations, appearing in court,… Continue reading The Ministry of Manpower of Singapore has issued me a Special Pass (“SP”) card, what should I do?

小姐姐们的常问题: “人力部给我发了一张Special Pass Card (“白卡”),我该怎么办?”

经常问的问题 什么是白卡? 答:在大多数情况下,白卡是在人力部 (MOM) 或移民与关卡局 (ICA) 保管护照的当儿签发的。白卡是由特定目的而发行的,例如协助调查、出庭等。人力部和移民与关卡局是此类白卡的唯一发行机构。白卡使外国人在新加坡的居留合法化。 白卡持有者是否能离开新加坡? 答:除非人力部另有批准,护照已被保管的白卡持有者不得离开新加坡。 人力部调查这类的案件通常需要多长时间? 答: 这完全取决于人力部,并取决于几个因素,包括:(甲)调查的复杂性;(乙)调查的性质;和(丙)人力部调查部门的工作量。人力部通常不会向白卡持有者提供就调查的持续时间。以我们的经验,典型的调查持续时间从几个月到几年不等。 我聘请的律师能为我做什么? 答:您聘请的律师可以代表您和人力部沟通,包括发电邮和通过电话向该部询问:(甲)调查的依据和/或性质;(乙)调查状况;(丙)您受调查所依据的相关法律;(丁)是否有完成调查的目标日期;和(戊)在调查进行期间是否能将您的护照交还给您。 此类案件的典型判决是什么? 答:任何的判决将完全取决于您是否犯罪以及被指控。在人力部调查个案件时,人力部是无法确认该信息的。只有在人力部调查完成后将案件移交给法律部或总检察长办公室后,有关部门才会透露任何潜在的指控。 作为白卡持有者,我是否能工作? 答:持有白卡的外国人不能在新加坡工作。想在新加坡工作的白卡持有者需要向人力部申请工作准证。白卡持有者在没有有效工作准证的情况下在新加坡工作属于违法行为,此类人将按照有关法律规定予以理。 我能如何查询和验证白卡持有者在新加坡停留的有效性? 答:对于人力部发行的白卡,可以使用 SGWorkPass (SGWP) 应用程序扫描白卡背面的二维码来验证有效期。如果白卡已过期且白卡持有者尚未离开新加坡,白卡持有者将被视为逾期居留。根据新加坡法律,向移民违法者(逾期居留者或非法移民)提供食物或庇护所属于犯罪行为。 如需进一步了解和查询人力部发行的白卡,请访问 www.mom.gov.sg/sgworkpass 或致电人力部联络中心 6438 5122。 免责声明:本文档仅供您参考。 它无意也不应被视为或依赖于法律建议。 在就本文讨论的事项采取任何行动或不采取行动之前,您应该咨询合格的法律专业人士。  如果您需要有关上述内容的更多信息和/或帮助,请联系以下律师: